Hi, My name is Hilary Lorenz and I am the founder of StoneTriggerPress, fine art printmaking and design studio in the high desert of New Mexico. My artwork is inspired by traveling the world, hiking big mountains, and trail running.
Nine months of the year I live in Brooklyn, NY where I teach printmaking, create cut paper and print art installation and act as professional Labrador wrangler for my two beautiful black labs, Conrad and Homer.
Favorite hikes: Chilkoot Trail, Dyea Alaska to Bennett Lake, British Columbia Current hiking challenge: Summit all 53 of Colorado's 14'ers
Portfolio: http://www.hilarylorenz.com Blog: https://hilarylorenz.blog
Social https://www.instagram.com/stonetriggerpress/ https://twitter.com/AdventureArtist https://www.facebook.com/StoneTriggerPress/