Artistic portfolio: Filmatic portfolio:
I am Ingvild, but you can call me Iggy, and I'm a 24-year-old Norwegian girl from Oslo.
Art is literally my life. I have been drawing for as long as I can remember; my parents' wallpaper often proved a good canvas to my early creations. Even now, I can barely go a day without the need to put pencil to paper and create one of the many images surging through my brain.
My main focus of interest is fantasy, with a basis in Tolkien's Legendarium as my main source of inspiration. This has also been the inspiration for my film-education and my dream of becoming a movie director AND a fantasy novelist. Big dreams, I know, but you have to dream big to win big, right?
Right now I am between jobs, trying to make it on my own in this scary, adult world, and thus I decided to focus more on my art as a source of income (film-making isn't the most lucrative career money-wise), doing commissions etc. So when I stumbled upon Society6, I thought "Why not?" and made this profile as a way to earn something on this passion of mine.
If you have any queries - about commissions, general art, or my products here - don't hesitate to contact me!
Love, Iggy