Wendy Rombough

Wendy Rombough has been a photographer/artist since she first picked up a toy camera at age 3. More professionally, she’s been working for over 30 years, photographing everything from newborn babies to astronauts. She studied photography at both Ryerson University and George Brown College. She resides and works in the beaches area of Toronto. Her work has appeared in numerous publications including; Toronto Life Magazine, Photo Life, The Toronto Sun and City of Toronto Fun Guides, as well as on several album covers and on the mantels and walls of many family homes. Wendy also runs her own family portrait business, as well as markets her own line of fine art photographic abstract work, showing in various galleries around Toronto and online.
Wendy also teaches photography courses through her own studio in addition to a studio in downtown Toronto. Wendy’s happiest place is playing with her cameras and seeing what things look like photographed.

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