Jackie Carpenter Art

Jackie is a female artist from Alpine, Utah. Her work has been featured in and on the cover of international magazines. Art is a way of life for her, a way of living. She sees the color and emotion in everything around her.

“Creating and sharing that passion, that gift with others is the most amazing life I could ever imagine.”

She is the mother of four children and grandmother of 9 and is also the oldest of seven children so she has a large extended family. Jackie now lives in PA with her spouse and enjoys her days painting in her studio. Her other interests include, gardening, woodworking, fishing, and now being a grandmother.

“Being a grandma is something I never thought would happen for me, because of my health issues. It is such a blessing and I adore each of those sweet little gifts. Playing grandma, and spoiling the kids is just so much fun. I am so blessed and so grateful.”

Since the age of 27 Jackie has struggled with overcoming and living with a rare illness called Mastocytosis which causes her to be allergic to most things. She has also had to under go 13 surgeries, including two open heart surgeries. So she has a unique view of what really matters in life.

“Living with a rare illness and knowing that life may be cut short at any moment brings everything into a better perspective. You realize that most of the things in life don’t last, good and bad and only the things we love are worthy of our time. I was a young mother with four very small children when I was told I was probably not going to live more than three years. It’s been hard living with that hanging over me. I try to focus on the things that matter most and when I paint let the emotions take me where they wants to go. It’s all about the emotion for me. I’ve learned to take each day and realize that it’s a gift. We all need to live in the moment, because that’s the only time that is guaranteed.”

Her work is sometimes about social issues, that are hard to deal with. Jackie even brings a colorful, and bold view to those pieces too. She has tried to bring attention to some of the issues of the day that matter most to her, like Homelessness, Abuse, Bullying, Depression, Mental Illness and the Refugee Crisis. Other times her art is all about Fun, like her Designer Dog or Moo Cow Farm series.

Growing up at the foot of the Rocky Mountains and spending much of her childhood out fishing with her brothers has given her a great love of nature. She loves spending time in the canyons among the trees and says it brings her a sense of calm and helps her connect to her spiritual side.

“I am not religious in the traditional sense but I am very spiritual and have a great love for both my ancestors and the guardian angels who I believe are all around us. I have had three near death experiences, where I have seen and communicated with the otherside and I know that love is all that matters. I find great comfort in knowing that there are loved ones around me helping me through life. It can be hard to deal with everything that bombards us daily, but in the end we only take the love with us. I hope people look at my art and can see something that helps them feel love, joy or empathy for others and sometimes even for themselves.”

Jackie Carpenter brings Bright, Bold, Emotion Filled Art to Life. Start collecting the artwork of this amazing women today.

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All by Jackie Carpenter Art