
Artist Statement: Continuing with her “dirty/pretty” style, Jacki explores the complex dualities of women in her works. Carefully selected creative friends, as well as women in vintage photographs, serve as muses for her collection of quasi-self-portraiture. She illustrates her focused parallel views of women as beautiful, yet tough. Strong, yet vulnerable. Incorporating her background as an abstract painter, she lays rough accents of color over her subjects to contrast their soft beauty and highlight their respective dualities.

Bio: ​Jacki Geary was born in Bergenfield, New Jersey. She studied at Western Connecticut State University and graduated with honors, earning a BFA with a concentration in photography. After a 10 year career as a professional photographer, Geary began painting. Working initially as an abstract painter for 9 years, she eventually fused abstraction with female portraiture. Using acrylics, pastels, charcoal, and watercolors, Geary continues to combine the essence of abstract urbanity with figurative beauty in her most recent work. ​ Jacki lives and works in San Diego, CA. Please visit her website at www.jackigearyart.com.

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