
Jaime Haney paints the natural world around her combined with visuals seen only in her mind allowing her to be the creator of her own world. Abstract images find their way into realistic scenes as they mingle together naturally. Painting this way has become extremely therapeutic as well as adding joy into her life.

Jaime use highly saturated bright and rich colors in her work to explore mostly floral and nature paintings from her garden both realistically and expressionistically. She loves to create abstract paintings with movement and feeling as well as fantasy landscapes along with my fairly realistic flowers and trees.

Original artwork can be found at https://www.jaimehaneyart.com and read about her artistic life at https://jaimehaney.com/blog

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All by JaimeHaney

Love Stinks Throw Pillow
Throw Pillow
Love Stinks Throw Pillow
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Beach Towel
Beach Towel
Love Stinks Beach Towel
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Wall Hanging
Wall Hanging
Love Stinks Wall Hanging
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Framed Art Print
Framed Art Print
Love Stinks Framed Art Print
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Tote Bag
Tote Bag
Love Stinks Tote Bag
by JaimeHaney
Bathroom Wall Confessions Serving Tray
Serving Tray
Bathroom Wall Confessions Serving Tray
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Crewneck Sweatshirt
Crewneck Sweatshirt
Love Stinks Crewneck Sweatshirt
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Kids Joggers
Kids Joggers
Love Stinks Kids Joggers
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks All Over Graphic Tee
All Over Graphic Tee
Love Stinks All Over Graphic Tee
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Sticker
Love Stinks Sticker
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Android Case
Android Case
Love Stinks Android Case
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Coaster
Love Stinks Coaster
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks iPhone Skin
iPhone Skin
Love Stinks iPhone Skin
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Kids Pullover Hoodie
Kids Pullover Hoodie
Love Stinks Kids Pullover Hoodie
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Carry-All Pouch
Carry-All Pouch
Love Stinks Carry-All Pouch
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks iPad Folio Case
iPad Folio Case
Love Stinks iPad Folio Case
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks T Shirt
T Shirt
Love Stinks T Shirt
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Water Bottle
Water Bottle
Love Stinks Water Bottle
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Metal Print
Metal Print
Love Stinks Metal Print
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Kids T Shirt
Kids T Shirt
Love Stinks Kids T Shirt
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Wall Clock
Wall Clock
Love Stinks Wall Clock
by JaimeHaney
Bathroom Wall Confessions Canvas Print
Canvas Print
Bathroom Wall Confessions Canvas Print
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Long Sleeve T Shirt
Long Sleeve T Shirt
Love Stinks Long Sleeve T Shirt
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Rectangular Pillow
Rectangular Pillow
Love Stinks Rectangular Pillow
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Canvas Print
Canvas Print
Love Stinks Canvas Print
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks iPhone Case
iPhone Case
Love Stinks iPhone Case
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Backpack
Love Stinks Backpack
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Poster
Love Stinks Poster
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Stationery Cards
Stationery Cards
Love Stinks Stationery Cards
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Wood Wall Art
Wood Wall Art
Love Stinks Wood Wall Art
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Placemat
Love Stinks Placemat
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Floor Pillow
Floor Pillow
Love Stinks Floor Pillow
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Leggings
Love Stinks Leggings
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Serving Tray
Serving Tray
Love Stinks Serving Tray
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Wine Chiller
Wine Chiller
Love Stinks Wine Chiller
by JaimeHaney
Bathroom Wall Confessions Poster
Bathroom Wall Confessions Poster
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Hoody
Love Stinks Hoody
by JaimeHaney
Love Stinks Notebook
Love Stinks Notebook
by JaimeHaney
Bathroom Wall Confessions Framed Art Print
Framed Art Print
Bathroom Wall Confessions Framed Art Print
by JaimeHaney