Design is everywhere. From the hundreds of advertisements we see daily to the streets signs on our way to work. From almost every image we see on our phones to the clothes on our backs. Someone, somewhere made a conscious decision to make something look the way it looks. In the world of design, things rarely happen by accident. Shapes, lines, and colors are all placed in a way to achieve a certain function in a specific context. This component of design is why I fell in love with it and more specifically graphic design. Studying graphic design at Colorado State University has been an experience that I certainly do not take for granted. Their focus on planning, sketching, and the refinement of ideas has allowed me to take my design and artistry skills to places only imaginable. My work means a lot to me. I love starting with an idea, sketching it out into something visual, and then reacting/adjusting to how it looks in reality. In a perfect world the process of a project would be a linear line, point A to point B. In my own work however, the journey resembles more of a basketball being passed around the court before it finally reaches the basket. Sometimes it takes a lot of different looks and perspectives on a goal before it can be achieved. This process is rarely achieved alone however. It takes the cooperation of an entire team as well as the clients in order to reach the best possible solution. In my own work, the collaboration and communication between my team and our clients is at the utmost importance. Discussing the goals to be achieved as well as possible solutions is in my opinion the most crucial part of graphic design. Even though perfection is impossible to achieve, I strive to get as close as possible to it when working on a project. Dedication and consistency are two aspects of my process that I hold dear to my heart. Putting the time and effort into something that I am passionate about like design is something that I hope I never stop doing and continue to love.