Jay Taylor

My fascination with the intelligence and playfulness of Life informs and inspires the work you will find in my portfolio. Absolutely individual, yet inseparable from the whole: every life form, every rust bloom, every brush stroke, every atom. The myriad patterns and paradoxes of life amaze me: something and nothing, duality and oneness, living and dying, sound and form, all dancing endlessly...

Feeling the vitality of Life flowing through me and into my work, the joy and spontaneity of the act of creation, this is what drives me to create. Every 'brush baby' I give birth to is an experiment in the dynamics of flow and co-creation; an invitation to the life force within me and around me to join in a process of exploration and play.

The World which man has imposed upon this beautiful earth is rife with pain, dysfunction, and separation. But within me I sense an underlying harmony, and I open myself to its rhythms. “It need not be this way”, life seems to say through me and to me. “There are other possibilities, other worlds, seen through other eyes and birthed by other actions." There is beauty in decay; awakening in the midst of heartbreak. Every "No!" is saying "Yes!" to something.

When you enjoy an image from my portfolio, I feel that you join me for a moment in my celebration of Life. Perhaps you will allow the experience to touch a place inside yourself where wonder and uniqueness are precious, where truth is all and illusion cannot stay. That place is the essence of what I Am, the source of all creation, and it is the same for all of us...

Jay Taylor, 2012

www.jaytaylor.co.uk www.facebook.com/jaytaylor.uk DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY of my 'Art for a New Paradigm', featuring almost 100 high resolution images of my original abstract art, with accompanying inspired text - www.jaytaylor.co.uk/jaytaylor-art-for-a-new-paradigm.pdf

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