Jenn Danielle

I'm a Canadian abstract-expressionist artist, creating colour-drenched paintings that celebrate the joy of being in the moment.

Using acrylic paint, I work intuitively to build up a loose and flowing feeling of euphoria, finishing with obsessively intricate details. I love the tension and balance of paradox, and am happy when my painting achieves a sense of chaotic peace, like watching a supernova in a teacup. I'm influenced by everything from mandalas to manga, and all sorts of figures might appear amid the marks on the canvas.

I put in time working through big ugly anxiety and realized we all have similar insecurities, and they're all BS. We give our best to the world when we feel our best, and beneath all the fear, when we feel free to express our truest self, I believe we're all one beautiful throbbing beast of perfection.

My mission has become to really SEE beneath the fears to that wild perfection, and show that beauty to you. Visual art has always been my favourite way to express and was the natural way to connect and get the message out and up onto walls.

Each piece (like each subject) is unique in style, but all my work is rooted in love. Every mark is handcrafted with you in mind. Making you feel truly seen and loved is my ultimate pleasure and purpose.

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