Jessica W. Clark

Hey there! Obviously my name is Jessica, I’m the youngest of nine and I love being part of a big family! I grew up in Rexburg, Idaho most of my life, I did live in Porto Portugal for three years while my dad was a mission president for The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-day Saints when I was kid. Living in Europe definitely influenced me to be an artist, that, and growing up watching Disney movies. I went to BYUI to get my BFA in illustration where I met my husband, Dustin, we were in the art program together. We both graduated about 7 years ago. We had our first son, just three weeks before graduation and now we have four kids! We live in the Dallas Texas area where Dustin is an art teacher and I stay home with the kids and we both do some freelance on the side. In the future when my kids are more independent (ahem... when I don’t need to change diapers) I plan to be more aggressive with my art career and be a full time artist but for right now I’m enjoying the little ones and just working on perfecting my skills between commissions. Thanks for stopping by.

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