January Heuss - Artist

My largest passion is photography though art in general (no matter the medium) is simply a beautiful way to express oneself. It can even be sad at times, with the intention of depicting a message or in order to open one’s eyes to life outside their immediate world. Too many people get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life…me included, although I’m trying to correct that. I think it's important to remember that even in your most stressing times there are people in this world that pray every day to have your problems instead of their own. I know that my worst is most certainly someone else’s better… and while it hurts sometimes and I think "why me?" I know that my trials and tribulations could be so much worse. I know it is cliché but I truly believe that, that which does not kill me will only make me stronger. And while it's not always easy to see through someone else’s eyes, it's always important to try. So I go through this life with a mission, a journey, a purpose… to allow others to see through my eyes. Therefore, I express myself with photography more than words. Since as early as I can remember, I have been an observer. I survey my surroundings in every scene, every situation and every moment in time; right down to the smallest, most minute detail that is typically overlooked by most. I see photographs with and without my trusty camera at my side but the act of taking images is like breathing to me… I just simply don’t feel like myself when I am not shooting photos on a regular basis. I am drawn to so many different areas of beauty that it is hard to narrow down where my inspiration comes from. I find beauty in all things God has made and made possible for man to make. I capture as much of it as I possibly can. I have always enjoyed nature as most people do, but one project that I never tire of is found abstractions in nature. I love to take a walk and look at everyday scenes and items with new eyes, a new point of view; I find abstract art in nature and those things that we take for granted because we are too busy to stop and take it all in. Too busy with life to see what we have in front of us to enjoy, to look at with new eyes. Stone, earth, peeling paint, weathered wood, textures, shapes, colors, lines, water, fire, a rusty hinge… I could go on and on. The effects most people dismiss so quickly that they are not even aware they laid eyes upon them in the first place. I capture them in hopes that someone will take the time to stop… stop thinking about their stresses, their chores and tasks they have yet to do today, and just look. Analyze and appreciate all that is too often taken for granted. In opposition to nature I enjoy industrial art. I love the clean lines, shapes and patterns that are created by what man has formed for a job or function. In addition, I find beauty in the wearing-away of industrialized objects by nature… thus meshing two genres that I love separately… collectively. I am also drawn to people. How we act, interact and react. The passion that our eyes cannot hide... candid moments in time, in our lives… when we think no one is watching… I love that with a click of a button, that passion is forever preserved. That moves me. I am a Christian. I am a Woman. I am a Mother. I am an Artist. That is who I am.

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