I have always loved art! It has played a part in my life since I was very small. When I was eight, doctors told my parents I would be legally blind by the time I was twenty. I am not, but I have grown up trying to soak in all the light and color I could before it was lost. I also spent many summers hiking and gardening with my family. Those experiences have taught me a great appreciation for God's creations in the natural world. I am very active in my church and my faith has helped me to cope with and heal from anxiety, postpartum depression, and post traumatic stress disorder. It has also helped me parent my 3 children with hope and joy. Art is my bit of peace and contemplation in a hectic and busy schedule that includes therapy and homeschooling for my special needs kiddos. In elementary school, a painting of mine was selected by a local artist for a display and my picture was in the news paper. I got to participate in some private art lessons. I also had a drawer dedicated to objects for use in a found items sculpture. In middle school art class was fun. In high school, it was my safe haven and solace. In college, art was my idea of a good time. I worked as a florist, which is a form of art with a living medium. As a mom, most of my art has been as commissions for my children, for cub-scouts, or for my churches children's program. I have always enjoyed the challenge of creating something new and I am looking forward to this new art adventure and invite you to come along.