
Jotham’s heART stems from a mix of mindless doodles to old masters' works to real life inspirations. It is an amalgamation of elements he feels and sees, brought to life through his compositions. Armed with either a ballpoint pen or with a pen mouse (occasionally a brush), Jotham’s says “I never believe in ‘artist's blocks’. It's either you draw or you don't feel like drawing. Being in commercial art or working for other art producing companies for so long has armed and aided me in formulating various designs through researches and modifications of existing ones under pressure. Deadlines are deadlines, uninspired or not. No dull moments. If my mind says i won't or can't draw today, i shift to my body and my my hands to take over. All I need is one little spark. To enable this spark, I always browse through my phone's personal and screenshot pictures, I surf the net or I stare at objects and people to draw inspiration and ideas. The latter is rather a rude thing though, if you get caught.” “I hold on to my pen and start doodling. As something in my drawing emerges, i work with and around it. I try to think outside the box. Therefore I go as i draw. I pause, I research on elements I can connect with my drawing. I compose them in my thoughts. I draw some more as a "theme" emerges. I stop to take breathers like taking a photo at the current work to stare at it in my phone to think. To review. To contemplate. Thus my drawings posted in social media especially on Instagram are posted in various WIP stages and progressions. I can do a composition in one sitting, but i'd rather not, to give way to newer ideas... as they come even in my slumber. I work directly with pen and seldom use pencil for initial sketches. I allow mistakes to happen as these are challenges on how i can convert them to non-mistakes…” explains the artist when asked about his process. Jotham put himself through college by partly designing ceramics to purchase art materials, working for the school paper which offered him half his tuition and half came from his ever loving parents who were at first disappointed from his shift from Nursing school. He graduated from Fine Arts and majored in Advertising in La Consolacion College in Bacolod City Philippines. The artist, after graduation, had a brief stint designing wrought iron and Bamboo furniture respectively and for two local companies. He then got to head an advertising department of a local shipping line in his hometown in Bacolod City prior to heading the design team in a carpet factory based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia from 2001 to the present. In 2009 to 2010 Jotham tried selling digital art through Redbubble and for some mundane reason stopped doing art. 2016, however marked he’s rekindled interest in traditional drawing and digital painting through inspiration by Instagram art posts . He started out with caricatures and doodles as he was finding and rediscovering his art style. Yes he has been drawing and painting ever since and has even accepted commissioned portraits for the locals as well as his fellow ex-pats.

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