Julianna Jankowiak

Malgorzata Julianna Jankowiak was born and raised in post communist Poland, this influenced significantly not only her perception of the social world but also had an impact on choosing the documentary approach to photography. "I am dedicated to not inventing. Rather in selecting and arranging my findings I try to express myself. All the images, details, and shapes I encounter always seem more meaningful than anything I could have otherwise created." However, her psychological and philosophical education compels her to look behind and beyond an apparent representation of reality. She feels an irresistible urge to search for the tiny spark of contingency of the here and now for the inconspicuous moments of trivial and important behaviors, natural and phony grimaces, intended and accidental gestures. She is experimenting with fine arts. Addicted to b/w photography white tea and chocolate.

Based in Vancouver BC, Canada



Tel: +1 (778) 926-4618

Previous Locations: Krakow, Poland Galway, Ireland Gyeryong, South Korea

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