Karin Friedli Houriet, founder of KFH Design, Switzerland, is a location independent artist, who often stays in nature.
She is interested in art, travelling and can be constantly impressed by new forms and structures that inspire her to the next work.
Many of the works and designs are hand-drawn on the tablet. Thus, the "paint box" comes along on almost every short and long journey and ideas can be sketched and worked out "on the go".
The projects of KFH Design are characterized by the inspiration from nature, which can be found in every work.
Bright, unclouded colors are used, which awaken the joie de vivre and curiosity to discover something new out there.
More insights and details can be found at:
Website www.kfh-designs.ch
Social: www.instagram.com/karin_friedli_houriet www.facebook.com/kfhinspiredbynature
Mail: karin@fried.li