K.M. Rasmussen

Katrina Rasmussen is an emerging artist from East Dallas. She graduated from the College of Fine Arts at the University of Texas at Austin in 2007. Rasmussen studied art and architecture in Italy, and was mentored by Wimberley artist Martha Gibson, under whose guidance she developed an affinity for layered works, collage, and mono-printing. Most recently, Rasmussen’s work was featured in the show CHIMERA at Kettle Art in Deep Ellum, and as part of the Kieren-Sistrunk Gallery’s spring show, Equilibrium, in Waco.

Rasmussen belongs to ArtWorks Studio in East Dallas. Come by and visit during the annual White Rock Artist’s Studio Tour in October!

In addition to local icons and landmarks, Rasmussen specializes in urban nostalgia, surreal landscapes, and abstracted botanicals. Contact: kmrasmussenfineart@gmail.com

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