Lady Daya

Being deeply inspired by nature and the material world in all its glorious forms, in 2016 I began painting. In 2020 I entered the online platform world as a scribe for groups dedicated to designing new regenerative ways of living and thriving together with the planet. I began to notice energies during meetings and soon realized these were frequency coming from the group and it was real. The pieces are named Visionary Frequency Essences or FreqVee's (frekvees). Though they may present as abstract art they are not, they are much more! The mediums I'm using include acrylic, watercolor and ink on both paper and canvas, many are also mixed media - incorporating materials from nature to micro beads. Visionary Frequency Essences are vibrational energy, energy is aways living ~ wherever they are they activate, enliven and can elevate mood, in spaces and in us. These are all of the heightened vibrational levels. Taking time to tune in to them, you'll not only feel them, you'll see multiple layers with intriguing visuals, ENJOY!!!

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