Lee Ferrara

Graphic Designer / MFA Visual Communication Syracuse University Employment, Raymond Loewy Associates, Montgomery Ward, Chapman Goldsmith Yamasaki, all in Chicago/ Design Director Family Products, Tyngsboro MA, Free Lance numerous companies. Awards from Art Directors Club Boston, Chicago etc Fine Art Awards Local and National /former Board Member of Copley Society,North Shore Art Association etc, Society of Typographic Arts Chicago, etc. Listed in Marquis Whose Who. Most recent Award, Best of Show "Mother's Day" also cited as "most creative"... Plato's Plato's Place Menu cited as "Most striking Chigago menu design in 50 years by John Chuckman's Chicago Memorabilia. As a fine artist I have worked in several mediums: Watercolor, Oil, Acrylic, Collage, Printmaking, Assemblage, most currently creative digital imaging. Corporate and private collections.

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