Lenka Laskoradova

A long time ago I created my first collage. The inspiration came to me from a simple desire to illustrate a story without ability to be the artist. Using scissors, glue and everything that comes to me by the arm in a frantic daily rhythm, I create my interpretation of life, love, humor and dreams.

Most importantly, in the process, the very beginning I like a good point — a point of reference, on which there is still nothing but a mess. No idea of the plot, forms, goals, thinking about how things will look in the final version. You only take in hand the scissors and starts an automatic process of creation, based only on the emotional rhythm and movement.

My blogs are here: https://www.instagram.com/lenkalaskoradova https://www.instagram.com/mailart_collage Editorials: https://lenkalaskoradova.wordpress.com

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