Life from paint

Hi there! My name is Gabriella Rizzardini and I’m 32 years old. I started to love drawing since I was a little girl, and all my notebooks are filled with drawings and doodles instead of notes. I have a PhD and I’ve graduated in Conservation of Nature, working in management of wild fauna (most of the time with wolves). I've always been a globetrotter, until the birth of my son Liam. Now we are stable in Matera, my hometown, but who know the future where will take us 😊. I’ve lived in Emilia, Tuscany, Ireland, Romania and Spain. They were important years: my way of live is changed and in the artistic point of view I started to use different techniques for my works, in particular I’ve followed in love with watercolours. My works will be posted and sold on this website. I hope you will enjoy it :)

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