Lilia Tarawa

Lilia Te Aroha Māia Tarawa is a New Zealand Maori self-taught graphic designer and artist who advocates for women and children's rights, how to love yourself and build a healthy self-esteem.

She grew up climbing trees, hiking mountains and swimming rivers in Haupiri Valley on the West Coast of New Zealand's South Island.

Lilia is a New Zealand Māori #1 best-selling author and transformational speaker whose personal story has inspired millions of people around the world to #SpeakYourTruth and #ClaimYourPower

Her #1 best-selling memoir Daughter of Gloriavale: My Life in a Religious Cult, was written in 4 months, part-time around her day job.

Her TEDxTalk, I grew up in a cult. It was heaven—and hell, rocketed to over eight-and-a-half million views on YouTube, achieved 2018 Top Five most-viewed TEDxTalks in the World and is transcribed into six different languages on

The 5'44 curly-haired Polynesian wāhine (woman) currently resides in Ōtautahi (Christchurch).


Social @liliatarawa

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