Little Thumbelina is an Eastern Grey Squirrel, who was born on a frigid March morning. Her Momma's nest was destroyed due to nearby construction, and in a desperate attempt to keep her family safe, she crawled into a 10th story window and gave birth on a stranger's bed, while he was away at work. When the apartment owner arrived home, he was surprised to find a pink baby squirrel resting under his pillow, amongst some dried pine needs and branches.
Unable to be reunited with her squirrel Momma, Thumbelina was taken in at only a few hours old by local wildlife rehabbers and given a second chance to begin her new little life. Due to a rare medical condition that requires special ongoing care, Thumbelina was unable to be released into the wild. She spends her days with her human Mommy and Daddy, playing, snuggling, and getting into all sorts of trouble!
Artwork created by Mike Ryan. Instagram @mikeryanart