Matthews Bros Films

Comedies. Short films. Bizarre. Zero budget. Homemade. Gutsy.

Kristian and Noah Matthews have been making movies together since they were kids.

Starting out on VHS camcorders, staying up all night, dragging in their sister and the neighbor kids, Noah and Kris created over 300 short films, often shooting the same story multiple times in an effort to capture the vision. With influences of 70's kung-fu and 80's sci-fi, Noah's characters are brutally physical and goofy.

Kris, a deep introvert, is a formally trained landscape painter, traveling the country and winning awards. Behind the camera, Kris puts up with a lot of crap.

Noah, a social butterfly who loves to keep the audience rolling, is a professional hairstylist who makes wild characters and costumes appear effortless.

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