Mindy Sue Wittock

Mindy Sue Wittock is an artist and mother who works out of her home studio in Upper Michigan. She is known for making soft sculpture that explores the intersection of childhood memory and experiences in motherhood. Surviving off of coffee, vintage VHS tapes, and listening to '80s music, Mindy researches what she cherished as a child and fondly remembers her top bunk (a small space she had all to herself). Offered in tandem with her soft sculptures, this Society6 shop is a curated selection of items reminiscent of her top bunk and her current art studio, in a style designed just for her, that reflects how she makes her one of a kind pieces; a collage of ideas, polka dots, lots of colors, and love.

Portfolio: www.mindysuewittock.com

Instagram: @mindymaker

Graphic Design Collaboration with Jenna Freimuth

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