Ming Myaskovsky

I’m Japanese, Chinese and British descent. What I love about creating art is that it provides the greatest freedom of self-expression. Colours are an important part of my work. I paint primarily in acrylic because they are versatile and can be applied to a wider array of surfaces than either oil or watercolour paints in addition to being easily manipulated for a wide variety of effects. I am deeply involved in the “human situation” and in that almost obsolete world, “beauty”. To me, the power of effective visual art is that it speaks through itself and not language. My paintings speak for themselves.

My hobbies: Paintings, Japanese Koto, Kendo, Iaido, Yabusame, Taiko, Shakuhachi, Ikebana, Chanoyu.

Мои любимые музыкальные исполнители: Дмитрий Маликов, Анжелика Варум и Леонид Агутин, Батырхан Шукенов, Алсу, Дима Билан, T.A.T.U. Челси, Sade, Grace Jones.

You can find me here at https://www.contrado.com/stores/ming-myaskovsky


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