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Mission of love is about spread peace and unity! As it's needed now more than ever.
Shortly after the release of my book Los Quotes Vol.1
I had post cards printed up for me to hand out.
The Quote "Love it all U need" Struck people.
When I gave someone this post card they would smile.
So I decide to make this my Mission, Missionlove73 (the number 73 is my birth year)
I not only do I hand the post cards out, I also leave them on the train, in restaurants, buses. Just about anywhere I can think of.
Each post card is held on with a small piece of tape. I encourage you to remove it and place it elsewhere or even hand it to a friend.
Take a photo with it and I'll post it here as well as on instagram.
People began to ask for prints of the images I would post on social media. Which led me to making this page. None of these images are professional photographed (as I am sure you can tell) However, these are the raw images I posted up while I plastered my post card every I could.
So let's build this community through positivity.
Peace and blessings
Carlos (Los) Espada
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