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Matthew J Hernandez is a versatile creative consultant, graphic designer, illustrator, voiceover talent, emcee & host based in Lafayette, Louisiana.
Favorite Quotations:
“Be nice. Do good work. Try hard. Listen. Love.” – Jillian Johnson
"Everything has beauty but, not everyone sees it." -Confucius
"I am the luckiest." - Ben Folds
"what came first? the music? or the misery?" - Rob from High Fidelity
"sic transit gloria" -Max Fischer from Rushmore
"If you are surrounded by people that their opinion is "why" when you tell them your ideas, forget them...Surround yourself with "why not" people instead!" -Kevin Smith
"The creative adult is the child who has survived." -Ursula K. Le Guin
"BE YOUrself. Everyone else is already taken." -Oscar Wilde