Poisoned Pets Store

Poisoned Pets was founded and created by pet food consumer advocate Mollie Morrissette. Poisoned Pets has the distinction of being one of the only non-commercial, independent, online journals in the critically under-reported area of pet food safety.

What makes Poisoned Pets unique is that it is entirely free from commercial influence, it does not accept advertising, corporate or government funding, or participate in commercial sponsorships or endorsements. Instead, Poisoned Pets advocacy work is funded entirely by private individuals, not the pet food industry, nor any other private or public institution.

Mollie’s supporters are individual consumers - pet parents - whose pets are as important to them as members of their own family, who are deeply concerned about the safety of pet food and who have come to rely on Mollie for the truth behind the glossy ads, to learn the unvarnished and often disturbing look inside the pet food industry.

Investigative journalism in the pet food and animal feed sector is not only rare, it is priceless—, but it is not free. To allow her to continue to animal advocacy work without relying on funding from the pet food industry, while retaining her hard won independence and integrity, Mollie has created an exclusive collection of portraits of pet parents with their beloved fur babies. Her portraits will allow her to continue to animal advocacy work without relying on ties to the pet food industry, while retaining her hard won independence and integrity.

All of the proceeds from the sale of her artwork will help to support Mollie's work on Poisoned Pets on behalf of consumers and their beloved pets.

To find out more, please visit www.poisonedpets.com.

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