Nina Baydur

I’ve loved to play with colors and shapes since I was a child. I went to a waldorf school

where I was taught in visual arts every day. As a teenager, I attended drawing and pain-

ting lessons with teachers who taught other styles, such as classic academic drawing.

My first creative work as an adult were wall paintings in waldorf kindergartens. I

show photos of this work here but I don’t do this anymore. I had to leave the „wal-

dorf world“ for spiritual reasons together with my son, who wanted to change school.

I developed my own style of oil-and acrylic paintings and sold some of them in this time. I’ve

kept a few so you can find them on this website.

Then I discovered the print-on-demand companies and started to create my designs

with a vector program. You can find the links to the shops that are selling my vector art here.

I seem to be an all-round creative as suddenly the phantasy story came to my mind. I wrote it down in one go. You can find all of my work on my website

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