Hi there! This is Nyay Bhushan welcoming you to the Directed by Nyay store where I share my creations based on my art photography and cinema sensibilities. I love to travel across dimensions – the moving and the still / the east and the west / the inner and the outer / the light and the night / the masculine and the feminine / the spiritual and the sensuous.
Here's wishing you a happy journey on these inter-dimensional travels! And please do share your photos of my products that you buy. My email is nyay(at)hotmail.com
Website: http://nyaybhushan.com
Saatchi Art gallery: http://saatchiart.com/nyaybhushan
Redbubble store: https://www.redbubble.com/people/directedbynyay?ref=account-nav-dropdown&asc=u
Zazzle store: https://www.zazzle.com/directedbynyay
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/nyaybhushan http://www.instagram.com/directedbynyay
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nyaybhushan http://www.twitter.com/directedbynyay
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nyaybhushan
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