Bureau Oberhaeuser

Bureau Oberhaeuser is a design studio focused on Information- and Interface Design. The Bureau was founded in 2011 in Hamburg by award-winning designer Martin Oberhäuser.

Our work has always been inspired by our passion for complex data visualization and information design, and it’s still the backbone of our company. We use the principles of those areas and combine them with our UX and UI expertise to create new digital experiences. Based on this philosophy we believe that almost every digital and analog challenge can be solved with creativity and design thinking.

Information is beautiful and life without information is impossible. However, life needs a way to filter the mass of information around us and turn it into something readable and useable. This is what we do! We create well-structured Information and Interface designs that are easy to use and fun to look at.

We work with clients like Facebook, Whoop, Tickr, Deutsche Telekom, Airbnb, IPG Mediabrands, Steelcase, Bertelsmann, Lego and others.

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