ONiONA studio

ONiON'A is an independent tandem design studio. We focus our efforts on developing product and graphic design projects. Our studio is a creative lab that escapes routine, dedicating more time to experimenting and investigating each project, as a result we try to invent unusual, original design solutions. In here we want to share with You our graphic work's. We are from Poland. In Polish language ONiONA means "HE and SHE" ("ON i ONA") - combination of two opposing elements, male and female. Just as a man and a woman completely differ from each other, and at the same time compliment each other. In the same way we use of our two completely different attitudes in the design process. SHE - lush imagination, for her is all possible, does not see the restrictions (however as you know - they are there) but therefore finds the most unusual solutions. HE - accurate, knows all the constraints, can turn her weirdest ideas into something what can be produced and adds a lot of his own components; always accurate attentive and mostly ... right.

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