“Get the Fire” event merchandise. These items have been designed by artist and graphic designer Pauline Benjes. All royalties from 'Get the Fire’ Merchandise goes to support the 'Philippines Pentecost 2018, Get the Fire' events in Manila and Davao. Event partners: sightedmoon.com, MLTC Manila and Pauline Benjes thank you for your purchase and for supporting the 'Philippines Pentecost 2018, Get the Fire' event in Manila and Davao on 26 & 27 May, 2018. This date is according to Biblical calendar which is determined by the sighting of the moon and ripeness of barley in the land of Israel to begin the year.
Pauline Benjes is an Australian artist/designer with a long history of working in fashion. Award winning bridal designer, now turned freelance graphic artist. Pauline has a Bachelor of Design (Fashion) and Diploma in Graphic Design and over 10 years experience in fashion graphic design and marketing. But her passion is the Bible and helping others to understand the calendar of our Creator; YaHUaH. In Pauline's store you'll find anything from her eclectic artistic history to Bible oriented designs and merchandise for sightedmoon.com, whom she volunteers with. Thanks for visiting!