I love mostly to take photos of nature and animals. I am keen on four seasons with many details and changes of the weather... water, earth, sky, light, darkness, colors, tones etc. But also Still Life-works are near my heart! I work with Canon EOS 6D and I hope that you enjoy of my works. All photos are taken by me. © Päivi Vikström
I also like to make graphics and paintings. Mostly I get the motivation for these works from nature, which I love. I hope you like these art works too. Please note: All Copyrights to the works belong to the artist.
More my photos can be found (and available for purchase as well) on the site: www.mauritius-images.com - if you have time.. go and see my photogallery there too! :)
You can also find me on Instagram: @pivivikstrm
Thank you for your time and visit here! :)
All the best, Päivi :)