Red Dragon Designs

In 2013, I experienced a life-altering spinal cord injury that unexpectedly changed the course of my life. At the time, I had a successful career as an accountant and worked for many years in commercial real estate. The career path I chose left me very little time to appreciate art, nature and pretty much all life happening outside the office. Now that I can no longer do most of the things I used to, I had to find other things that I could do. Not being able to walk, sit, or stand for very long doesn’t give me many options. It is difficult for me to travel too far away from home. Pain rapidly builds the more active I am, but I am thankful to be able to use my legs to walk. There was a time that I was mostly bedridden and very heavily medicated. Modern medicine was not able to help me and ended up doing my body more harm than good, so I went searching for an alternative solution. I have since learned how to manage the pain without the use of pharmaceuticals and both art and nature have played big roles in my healing journey. The blessing of the injury and a life of pain is that now I have what I always longed for … time for art, time for nature, time for my children, time for my husband, and time for myself. I hope that my art collection inspires you to take the time to appreciate what you have and to live your life to the fullest. You never know what tomorrow will bring. Enjoy today!

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