Ars Infinity / ZoooooZ (Roland Zulehner) is a freelance graphic designer and independent author, Indi-Artist based in Heidenheim an der Brenz. He was born in 1974 in the small town of Neresheim - on the Ostalb and began drawing at a young age. He used his first computer to create fractals from small self-written programs in Basic. After graduating from high school, he continued his studies as a mechatronics engineer and technical editor. The passion for digital art has continued to grow with better computers and above all usable programs. Ars Infinity came to live. Then he moved to Lindau in Lake Constance to work in a creative company. Ten years later he moved to Tenerife for two years. Today back in Heidenheim with over 700 published works. The idea of ZoooooZ was born … Visit: