Rosemary Stehlik is a Multidimensional Visual Artist, Occultist, Luciferian Priestess and Witch. The Alchemy of her Vast Work “transmutes the base metal of Human Collective Unconscious experience into Personal and Trans-personal gold”; delving deeply into the Cosmick Current of the Feminine Principle, her Work invokes Eternal Archetypes of the Soul, Shadow-Work, and touches liminal spaces of the Subconscious Mind, Oneiromancy and the Occult. Her Visions explore the Multi-Dimensional Realms of the Mystical and the Mysterious; Magick and the Enigmatic; dimensions of Sexual Taboo, themes of the Ominous, of Fear, Power and the Unknown, together with the Soul’s journey through the Darker Sides of human impulses, nightmares, and visions. Hidden Shadow Work is exalted in Visual Invocations that celebrate The Darkest Regions of the Soul.
***Visual Artist Page:
***AOI (International Association of Artists of Imagination):