Sarah Vernon

I am a self-employed actress, artist and writer who has always loved creating art of one form or another. My art on other sites is under the name of First Night Design.

A disabling condition (Limited Cutaneous Systemic Sclerosis) means that I concentrate on digital art and I have surprised myself with the work I have created thus far. The more I learn about Photoshop and other art/design software, the more I am inspired to try unusual effects. One design often comes out of the 'out-takes' of another. Possibilities seem endless and enticing. And looking at and admiring the art of others is a joy and an inspiration.

For me, the most important things in life are love and laughter. I hope that you will find something in my gallery to amuse and inspire you.

Thank you to each and every one of you who is kind enough to leave a comment. Please forgive me if I do not always acknowledge your visits. My health - or rather lack of it - often gets in the way!

I look forward to welcoming you.


© First Night Design All images are copyright and may not be reproduced in any form without my permission.

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