Hello there, I’m Savannah Renee, a contemporary artist who uses a variety of wet media to capture the flow, fractalization and spontaneity of water in my work. As a self taught artist I have created a unique and personal style. Using primarily ink and acrylic, my work focuses on the female form and abstracts. The figures lend an ethereal and dreamy look with hair flowing above their heads, as a metaphor for our busy minds full of thoughts and creativity. Deeply expressive faces and colors are influenced by a life of creating and imagining, as well as the deep tones of the western Washington landscape where I grew up. The figures created in my work are not only their own characters and individuals, but also a piece of myself, a small part of my inner world made physical for the viewer. Most of all I am just a person who loves to create and has so much fun doing it. I hope you enjoy these little pieces of my imagination!
For a daily look at my creations follow me on Instagram @sav.reneeart
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