Sebastian Steed

Sebastian Steed's medium is mainly photography, most of which, since 2018 in Perth, Western Australia, he transforms meticulously with a couple of photography apps. The result of this experimental approach is bold, innovative, exciting and unique creations inspired by Pop Art. His photographs cover a wide range of subjects: naturescapes, flora, architecture, consumerism/popular culture items as well as of screen prints and collages he has made (including spectacular shots of a 'moving' collage - various items floating in coloured and decorated water).

Sebastian receives his inspiration from many sources such as walks through country and city, previous artworks he's made, accidental photographs and everyday encounters and/or experiences. When it comes to selecting colours and composition, he is influenced by Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Gaugin and the Fauvist art movement. Sebastian's main purpose as an artist is to either present something new and surprising or to capture the 'character' of a particular place or moment.

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