Hi! I'm Rachel Whitehurst of shopRWD.com
I'm a 26 year old creator living in Seattle with two cats and about a hundred plants. My work features a variety of colors, textures, and subjects inspired by my love of food and home in the Pacific Northwest. You'll be seeing a lot of plants, crystals, landscapes, and food in my work through patterns and designs on Society6. You can also find my handmade and original artwork at shopRWD.com, where I feature sculpted magnets and keychains, watercolor paintings and bookmarks, and a variety of downloadable smartphone backgrounds.
I've always been someone who couldn't get by a day without creating something new. After working as a full-time Youtuber for six years, I decided I wanted to do something more hands on. I closed that chapter of my life and launched my online art shop on Etsy in June 2017. With over 3,000 sales during that first year, it's safe to say I'm happy with that big career change. I can't even begin to describe how at peace painting and sculpting makes me feel. I really hope to evoke that in my designs.
HANDMADE SHOP | http://shopRWD.com
INSTAGRAM | http://instagram.com/shop.rwd
FACEBOOK | http://facebook.com/shop.rwd
CONTACT | rwhitehurstbusiness@gmail.com
INSTAGRAM | http://instagram.com/rachelwhitehurst
TWITTER | http://twitter.com/rachLwhitehurst
PODCAST | itunes/soundcloud/googleplay/stitcher @ coffeewithchrachel