
The images I make reflect the ambiguity of the human condition and its intrinsic ‘interconnectedness’. The works touch on ideas related to evolution, philosophy, existentialism, mother nature, beliefs, impermanence, and an inquisitive portrayal of cosmic space. Although my works are certainly not restricted to these. I enjoy the directness and simplicity of monochromatic ‘drawing’, whichever the medium, whereby ideas are resolved more quickly. I like the strength and quality of line that results from drawing, the speed and fluidity of using pastel and pencil, so that a visually ‘more powerful’ image results. To allow my energy to flow into the drawings, the activity of drawing must be intense, and this should not compromise the quality of the result. In my paintings I attempt to keep the same strength of line by ‘drawing’ with the paint. Mostly, colour is of secondary importance in my work, but this depends on my psychological state at the time. Working with colour, even a limited palette, forces me to slow down the image making process. This works well for some ideas. At other times I consciously work more rapidly on several paintings at a time in order to keep the works ‘alive’, while avoiding over-thinking the emerging images. I have always been fascinated with the illusion of depth on a flat surface, spatial ambiguity and ensuing confusion, which to me personifies the human condition. My works can often be interpreted in different ways and many of my paintings can hang any way around. After all , ‘which way is up’? As humans we are constantly re-inventing ourselves, and what currently enriches my life experience, may at some future date and time be merely a stepping stone on to the future ‘present’.

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