Sarah Michelle Brown

Filmmaker. Playwright. Actor. Star Wars nerd. Cool aunt. And brand spanking new mixed media artist!

I've found a new passion through injury.

I've been dealing with a back injury for quite some time that's prevented me from doing my film + theatre work.

Then summer 2018, I started drawing and painting as a creative hobby. I was desperate for an artistic outlet. I bought a drawing book and right away, I was hooked.

Right now, because I'm sooooo early in my mixed media adventures, I'm giving myself permission to play, to paint + draw badly, to experiment with the plethora of stuff I don't know how to do and to practice, practice, practice.

This is a whole new world from film + theatre and I'm enjoying the journey. One thing that's a common thread, though, is my mission to create works that tell a story and that have the power to uplift and empower others.

Let's see where this takes me!

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