My creative process begins with a feeling or sense of a presence or energy. I am very easily seduced by texture, shape, layer and color, all so moving to me, that the creative process becomes spiritual…discovery of a new friend, a message, idea or story. There is movement and flow – almost a pulse – that develops, and my hope is to draw the viewer into that experience so they can find an energy that is unique and personal.
BIOGRAPHY Sharon is an oil painter and her work encompasses an intriguing array of color, energy, spirit, layer, texture and story.
Her background includes instructor positions in visual art and photography (high school and university), and she has held creative roles in TV/film/ video production, set design, interior design, marketing, and advertising. She has been commissioned by The AIDS Foundation of Chicago, Project HOPE/Northwestern Hospital, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, local authors, and private collectors for illustrations, paintings, and photographs, and enjoys partnerships with The Chicago Sinfonietta and OPERAnauts.
Sharon is passionate about protecting the environment, listening to and playing music, and being outside as much as possible. She lives in the Chicago area with her husband, Rich, and their cat, Scout.