Steph & Jules is a collaborative volume of art by Stephanie Gonzalez (DeerSlug Studios), and Julie Worsham (2Tired2Sleep Creative).
a little note from us: This all happened about 5 years ago when we started booking large commissions together. These projects were too big for either one of us to do on our own. Over time more-and-more techniques were developed to seamlessly mesh our work to become one. We both love imperfection. I do film photography, abstract art, and graphic design. Steph does abstract art, illustration, and just a maker of all types of things, lol… There are all different types of ways of passing things back and fourth during the process of creating artwork together. Please message us for more information regarding how we’ve built anything you see. We are constantly mixing it up and getting different results *everytime. The collab just keeps evolving. Hope you can enjoy where it’s been, where it’s at currently, and please always be open and ready for where it’s going. ♥
Cheers, Steph & Jules