Steph Hayes is an artist based in Harrogate, England. She has an interest in abstract art and currently her preferred mediums are acrylic paints, inks and watercolours.
She produces work for general sale as well as completing commissioned works for private clients.
Her work is inspired by nature and radiates energy and colour.
She believes that we are all being guided, playful in her methods she asks the painting to ‘reveal’ itself to her, exploring ethereal dimensions and potential realities. Lovingly produced, there is a desire to convey her belief that life is much more than what we can perceive with our 5 senses. Steph aspires to create work that brings an awareness that we are all connected through a divine intelligence, whether you call that God, The Universe, Source energy etc, is up to you.
Manipulating images of birds and animals through a process of splitting and rotating them remind Steph of cells dividing within nature; giving them a geometric, mathematical quality yet still holding onto an organic feel. The images are abstract yet still have a familiarity to them. This reflects her interest in mandalas and religious art. With no beginning or end, the ‘mandala’ can be loosely translated to mean ‘circle’. It represents wholeness and can be seen as a representation of life itself, a diagram of cosmic oneness, describing both material and non-material realities. Their circular designs symbolise the idea that life is a never-ending cycle.