steven dix

Steven Dix Australian Abstract Artist. Experience the exhibitions and creative energy toured Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, USA, Japan and around the world. Both highly regarded in fine art and one of Australia's leading commercial artists, Steven Dix art is seen daily by millions of people every day without them even knowing it. Working mostly with Acrylics on canvas, the DIX style captures the essence of Australian colours and nature. Korea's number #1 art collector sums the DIX style in 2 words - "vulnerability overflows".

"The objective of my art, is to remove the walls and perceived boundaries around us, 'which of course', are often there to serve a purpose with the elements of life, through art. We don't look at the what anymore, we see the art and the messages held within." DIX

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All by steven dix

Afterglow Framed Art Print
Framed Art Print
Afterglow Framed Art Print
by steven dix
There's Fire Framed Art Print
Framed Art Print
There's Fire Framed Art Print
by steven dix
Afterglow Canvas Print
Canvas Print
Afterglow Canvas Print
by steven dix
Afterglow Art Print
Art Print
Afterglow Art Print
by steven dix
Afterglow Recessed Framed Print
Recessed Framed Print
Afterglow Recessed Framed Print
by steven dix
There's Fire iPhone Case
iPhone Case
There's Fire iPhone Case
by steven dix
There's Fire Canvas Print
Canvas Print
There's Fire Canvas Print
by steven dix
There's Fire Recessed Framed Print
Recessed Framed Print
There's Fire Recessed Framed Print
by steven dix
There's Fire Stationery Cards
Stationery Cards
There's Fire Stationery Cards
by steven dix
There's Fire Art Print
Art Print
There's Fire Art Print
by steven dix
There's Fire iPhone Skin
iPhone Skin
There's Fire iPhone Skin
by steven dix
The European Tote Bag
Tote Bag
The European Tote Bag
by steven dix
The European Outdoor Rug
Outdoor Rug
The European Outdoor Rug
by steven dix
The European Throw Pillow
Throw Pillow
The European Throw Pillow
by steven dix
The European Stationery Cards
Stationery Cards
The European Stationery Cards
by steven dix
The European Notebook
The European Notebook
by steven dix
The European Canvas Print
Canvas Print
The European Canvas Print
by steven dix
The European iPhone Case
iPhone Case
The European iPhone Case
by steven dix
The European Rectangular Pillow
Rectangular Pillow
The European Rectangular Pillow
by steven dix
The European Bath Mat
Bath Mat
The European Bath Mat
by steven dix
The European Coffee Mug
Coffee Mug
The European Coffee Mug
by steven dix
The European iPhone Skin
iPhone Skin
The European iPhone Skin
by steven dix
The European Recessed Framed Print
Recessed Framed Print
The European Recessed Framed Print
by steven dix
The European Laptop & iPad Skin
Laptop & iPad Skin
The European Laptop & iPad Skin
by steven dix
The European Wall Clock
Wall Clock
The European Wall Clock
by steven dix
The European Carry-All Pouch
Carry-All Pouch
The European Carry-All Pouch
by steven dix
The European Laptop Sleeve
Laptop Sleeve
The European Laptop Sleeve
by steven dix
Twilight Imaginings Canvas Print
Canvas Print
Twilight Imaginings Canvas Print
by steven dix