Susan James' underlying theme in all of her productions and publications revolve around raising our individual illumination, and the effect we have on all of humanity, as well as our individual lives, as we do so.
The application of these mechanics and methods to our lives, lifestyles and businesses continues to be a quest for Susan as she offers it to all who are interested in following their potential path. She does this through her many forms of writing, including books, newsletters, courses, consulting, sock and apparel design with more on the horizon.
Susan James is an encourager of the creative life for business, pleasure, personal gain and fulfillment. Personal Development with a Twist, Stirred but Not Shaken.
Author of The Award Winning Manifesting 101 & Beyond, Manifesting 102 & Beyond, Manifest Warp Speed, Manifesting Methods for Would Be Millionaires, 17 Seconds to Wt.Loss, The Millionaire Maverick (Novel) and The Done Deal (Closing The Gap Between Desire and Fulfillment), The Barkle Series, The Susan James Manifesting Games Series, (Books 1,2,3) Privately Famous (Hank Ramsan) and The Castles Series. Also Founder of Susan James Socks (Socks for Readers, Writers and Dreamers.)
Susan James