Tanya Zevallos

Hey everyone. My name is Tanya Zevallos. I love to paint abstract landscapes. My artworks depict real images in a new and free way of representation. I use oil painting, a traditional medium and prefer the CMYK gamut in my color palette: cyan, yellow and magenta. I love to paint at sunny days, especially capturing happy and quiet Sunday's atmospheres. Among my favorite subjects are: seascapes and sunsets, stars and animals. ARTIST STATEMENT My work explores the relationship between the human being and the beauty and complexity of nature. I create new realities through the principles of Color Harmony and Composition. I define my work as Abstract Realism.

You can follow/message me at:

Instagram : @tanyazevallos2

Twitter : @tanya_zevallos

Email : tanyazevallos@gmail.com

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