
The Taro Patch House is located on the island of Kauaʻi in the Hawaiian Island Chain. Its creator was raised on Kauaʻi and opened The Taro Patch House and Black Dog Gallery and Goods to celebrate the history, culture and art of Hawaiʻiʻs cultural melting pot. Kirstenʻs artwork is inspired by memories of sunny days spent on Kauaʻi and can be purchased through Society6 or in person on Kauaʻi - she would love for you to visit. She lives a quiet life with black dog Gracie, and Charlotte the three legged cat. The inspiration for The Taro Patch house follows in Kirstenʻs own words.

Growing up there was a field of lo’i (taro patches) by our house, at the end of the path between patches was a hale (house). In this case it was mostly a shack, but we called it the Taro Patch House. I spent hours daydreaming about that little house and wondering what treasures were waiting to be discovered inside. Shells, glass fishing balls, lei hung on lampshades after celebrating weddings, babies and lives. Books with torn dust jackets, turned down corners, notes written in the margins. Photographs tucked into the frames of seascapes and portraits. A closet filled with mu’umu’u handed down through generations. Fresh coffee in the kitchen, a well-loved coffee mug warm to the touch. Stacks of mismatched plates from aunties and tutu (grandma). All filled with memories of days spent together tending the land, enjoying sunshine, waves, and rainbows.

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All by Taropatch

Red Hibiscus Kauai Coffee Mug
Coffee Mug
Red Hibiscus Kauai Coffee Mug
by Taropatch
Mid Century Floral A Coffee Mug
Coffee Mug
Mid Century Floral A Coffee Mug
by Taropatch
Floral II Bright Green Coffee Mug
Coffee Mug
Floral II Bright Green Coffee Mug
by Taropatch
Floral II Coral Coffee Mug
Coffee Mug
Floral II Coral Coffee Mug
by Taropatch
Red Hibiscus Kauai Tote Bag
Tote Bag
Red Hibiscus Kauai Tote Bag
by Taropatch
Kauai Pineapple Framed Canvas
Framed Canvas
Kauai Pineapple Framed Canvas
by Taropatch
Kauai Pineapple Tote Bag
Tote Bag
Kauai Pineapple Tote Bag
by Taropatch
Kauai Pineapple Stationery Cards
Stationery Cards
Kauai Pineapple Stationery Cards
by Taropatch
Kauai Pineapple Mini Art Print
Mini Art Print
Kauai Pineapple Mini Art Print
by Taropatch
Kauai Pineapple Wall Clock
Wall Clock
Kauai Pineapple Wall Clock
by Taropatch
Red Hibiscus Kauai Coaster
Red Hibiscus Kauai Coaster
by Taropatch
Kauai Pineapple Coaster
Kauai Pineapple Coaster
by Taropatch
Kauai Pineapple Travel Mug
Travel Mug
Kauai Pineapple Travel Mug
by Taropatch
Kauai Pineapple Notebook
Kauai Pineapple Notebook
by Taropatch
Floral II Bright Green Can Cooler
Can Cooler
Floral II Bright Green Can Cooler
by Taropatch
Floral II Bright Green Android Card Case
Android Card Case
Floral II Bright Green Android Card Case
by Taropatch
Floral II Bright Green Wall Clock
Wall Clock
Floral II Bright Green Wall Clock
by Taropatch
Mid Century Floral A Stationery Cards
Stationery Cards
Mid Century Floral A Stationery Cards
by Taropatch
Mid Century Floral A Credenza
Mid Century Floral A Credenza
by Taropatch
Mid Century Floral A Canvas Print
Canvas Print
Mid Century Floral A Canvas Print
by Taropatch
Floral II Coral Wall Clock
Wall Clock
Floral II Coral Wall Clock
by Taropatch
Mid Century Floral A Bath Mat
Bath Mat
Mid Century Floral A Bath Mat
by Taropatch
Floral II Coral Bar Stool
Bar Stool
Floral II Coral Bar Stool
by Taropatch
Floral II Coral Throw Pillow
Throw Pillow
Floral II Coral Throw Pillow
by Taropatch
Floral II Bright Green Metal Print
Metal Print
Floral II Bright Green Metal Print
by Taropatch
Mid Century Floral A Mini Art Print
Mini Art Print
Mid Century Floral A Mini Art Print
by Taropatch
Floral II Coral Framed Mini Art Print
Framed Mini Art Print
Floral II Coral Framed Mini Art Print
by Taropatch
Floral II Bright Green Bath Mat
Bath Mat
Floral II Bright Green Bath Mat
by Taropatch
Floral II Coral Bath Mat
Bath Mat
Floral II Coral Bath Mat
by Taropatch
Floral II Bright Green Art Print
Art Print
Floral II Bright Green Art Print
by Taropatch
Floral II Bright Green Wallpaper
Floral II Bright Green Wallpaper
by Taropatch
Mid Century Floral A iPhone Wallet Case
iPhone Wallet Case
Mid Century Floral A iPhone Wallet Case
by Taropatch
Mid Century Floral A Laptop Sleeve
Laptop Sleeve
Mid Century Floral A Laptop Sleeve
by Taropatch
Mid Century Floral A Tote Bag
Tote Bag
Mid Century Floral A Tote Bag
by Taropatch
Mid Century Floral A Throw Pillow
Throw Pillow
Mid Century Floral A Throw Pillow
by Taropatch
Floral II Bright Green Backpack
Floral II Bright Green Backpack
by Taropatch
Floral II Bright Green Travel Mug
Travel Mug
Floral II Bright Green Travel Mug
by Taropatch
Floral II Coral Coaster
Floral II Coral Coaster
by Taropatch
Floral II Bright Green Apple Watch Band
Apple Watch Band
Floral II Bright Green Apple Watch Band
by Taropatch
Floral II Bright Green Cutting Board
Cutting Board
Floral II Bright Green Cutting Board
by Taropatch
Mid Century Floral A Art Print
Art Print
Mid Century Floral A Art Print
by Taropatch
Floral II Bright Green Canvas Print
Canvas Print
Floral II Bright Green Canvas Print
by Taropatch
Floral II Bright Green Tote Bag
Tote Bag
Floral II Bright Green Tote Bag
by Taropatch
Floral II Bright Green Coffee Table
Coffee Table
Floral II Bright Green Coffee Table
by Taropatch